Thursday, March 18, 2021

Quiet on set.....PLEASE!!!


Today Shreya and I interviewed Chelsea, one of our subjects for the docuseries. We used Zoom so that Shreya could be on the call while I interviewed Chelsea in person since she lives close by to me, this way we were able to get two angles of Chelsea which will add to our shot variety later. I filmed the interview on my phone and I changed the settings on my phone's camera so that it should have really high quality video. 

There were a lot of problems that dragged out the filming process, the majority of it being noise caused by my family (ugh). My parents were working upstairs and I had informed them previously that I would be filming yet my dad still came bounding down the stairs and interrupted Chelsea mid sentence. My sister, who was downstairs and could clearly see me doing a project, used an electric sharpener to sharpen her pencil while we were filming (I shut down when I heard the whir of the sharpener). And to top it all off my dog started whining, loudly, because he had been put away so he would not interfere with the filming (this was my breaking point). Luckily I was able to regain my composure after taking a five minute break and there weren't many obstacles after that. 

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