Tuesday, March 9, 2021


 Today Shreya and I had a meeting where we discussed our plans moving forward with the project. We discussed the people we would like to interview and we broke it down by picking people we know are parts of different communities so there is not a lot of overlap and instead more representation of a variety of communities to broaden the people who might watch the documentary. By offering a wide variety we can attract more people instead of narrowing our culture topic to one geographical area. 

We also spoke about general logistics but we haven't come to a decision on how to format the interviews, because we are thinking of interviewing one of my neighbors and my sister, I have easy access to them and safely interview them in person but with other people we do not have that option. There would be quality inconsistencies but I think that variety it would provide would be nice. I also mentioned how I looked into Instagram handles for our project and I found one that will work but I haven't set it up yet. 

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