Sunday, April 12, 2020


When I first started this project I was nervous since it was such a major part of my fourth quarter grade and part of my final AICE exam. I knew from the beginning I wanted to do a drama and that I wanted to work with someone else to do the project so I was extremely grateful that my friend Shreya and I were able to work so well on this project together, I truly think that because of our planning we were able to create a piece that showcases our skills and what we have learned throughout the course.

Originally when we started we struggled with our ideas because we were trying to convey a difficult topic: grief and loss. We knew we wanted our piece to be meaningful and I feel like we used this project as an opportunity to show people one way teens deal with grief. This project was truly a test of my skills as an editor and a test of my procrastination. Since I tend to procrastinate I knew I could not do that with this project, that’s why Shreya and I had filmed 60% of our project before school was forced to close due to coronavirus concerns. I think this project taught me that no feat is unachievable because we definitely accomplished what we set out to do and I’m proud of what we were able to create.

We were definitely prepared well to take on this task, without watching all those different examples in class, I’m not sure we could’ve done what we wanted. This project taught me how to blog, something I'd never really tried before. I found it to be a cathartic process that helped me wrap my head around where we were at with the project week to week. The blogging is basically a step by step manual of how we started, scrapped that idea and restarted our project, it tells our journey and I’m glad I have this documentation of my work on this project.

Finally, I learned about how filming the same scene from different angles is super useful because it gives you so many options during editing. The filming was the hardest part for me because I’m always nervous a shot won’t turn out the way I want it to, but because we were able to practice techniques throughout the year, by the time the project rolled around I was feeling much more confident in my ability as a cinematographer. While coronavirus definitely threw a wrench in our schedule and messed up some technical aspects of what we wanted to accomplish, I believe we overcame these obstacles and prevailed.

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