Sunday, March 1, 2020

Production Progress

   On Friday, while in class, Shreya and I devised a more specific plan of how to take on our difficult opening. We decided that certain memories/objects should be used to establish normalcy while our character's behavior will establish the "something is right here" feeling that we are going for. We mostly brainstormed production design elements to include in the opening and we worked on a storyboard of our revised plot outline. Have you ever made a friendship bracelet? Well dear reader you're going to see a time lapse video of me making one in an upcoming post! It was apparent to us that our main character have daily reminders of the friend that she lost. One way we want to do this is have her interact with a friendship bracelet her friend made for her. We want it to be made of the colors that represent friendship (white, yellow, purple). The girl will put on the bracelet, freeze, and then throw the bracelet in the basket as she continues getting ready for the funeral, just as she is leaving, she reaches into the trash bin to retrieve her bracelet to wear to the event.  Another element we want to create, is to have the lock screen of the girl's phone be of her and her friend.
     We have come up with a title for our opening, "The Memory of Happiness" which really represents what we want our opening to emulate. That feeling of anger of despair over remembering those memories of happiness that can no longer be recalled without renewing the pain along with it. We plan to start filming next weekend as we will both have free time then to really start our filming.

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