And so it begins....
It was bound to happen at some point, WeVideo is not our friend.
So Shreya and I had a little trouble getting started with the editing process because our videos were not uploading correctly. One of the videos we filmed had a different angle just to spice things up a bit and add dynamics, but when I uploaded it to WeVideo it rotated the video and made it vertical. When I tried to rotate it back through WeVideo, it changed the aspect ratio of the clip. I am going to try and rotate it on my phone first to see if that will make it upload correctly. Another problem that occurred was the project media situation. I knew that after uploading in order for both of us to edit the video, the pertinent clips needed to be added to project media to share the videos, Shreya was not aware of this so after she uploaded her half of the videos and I began editing I freaked out because a lot of videos were not there even though Shreya said she was sure she had uploaded them. Then I remembered she had to share the media with me for me to be able to access it. I gave her step by step instructions on how to share all the videos and we figured it out, but this does not bode well for the future. It really is so much harder when you cannot have face to face, in person communication.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Microsoft Teams vs COVID-19
Today we had another conference, this time using the Microsoft teams platform directly instead of going through Canvas. I believe this conference was necessary because of the Cambridge Coronavirus update that had been released saying exams had been canceled. I am so thankful that Cambridge gave us an extension, even though it is only a week. It was helpful to see how other groups/classmates are faring during this trying experience and I learned that Shreya and I are probably better off than most since we already started filming and our opening takes place in a house so I think that we will be okay in the end. Shreya and I scheduled a meeting with our teacher to discuss our ideas and our plans to finish the project which is due in about 2 weeks. Another decision Shreya and I have to make is music as we have not picked a track yet so I will post about that next week.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
The Decision
In my previous post I wrote about having to make a decision about how to incorporate an important prop in the film opening. We had to come to a decision because the place we filmed was Shreya's house, but I was the one who had purchased the props so they were at my house. Originally we had planned for me to bring them over to Shreya's and we would finish filming that day, but due to quarantine concerns this plan was no longer a viable option. After communicating with Shreya I decided that I would film a cutaway of the stones at my house, the stones were going to be filmed outdoors anyways, so I will have to find a generic background outside my house to film the stepping stones. I am worried that the cutaway will not look as good as our original plan which was to pan to the stones outside Shreya's house and then do a shot/counter shot between her and the stones to establish communication and a relationship between them. Hopefully, the same feeling will be established through our revised plan.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Colin's Dilemma
In a previous post I wrote about how we were going to include a scene where our main character looks at some childhood mementos outside near her front door: handprint stones. Well, I got the stones but I'm not allowed to leave my house. I have a couple ideas of what I should do but I'm not completely set on either of them.
1. Rewrite Storyboard
---Just get the whole idea out of my head and scrap that train of thought
2. Deliver Discreetly
--Somehow convince my parents to drop the stones off at Shreya's house, minimal interaction
3. If you want to get something done......
--Make the stones myself and film them outside my house in a generic outdoor setting and edit it into the opening
I'll speak with Shreya about this and we'll see if we can conjure up a solution!
1. Rewrite Storyboard
---Just get the whole idea out of my head and scrap that train of thought
2. Deliver Discreetly
--Somehow convince my parents to drop the stones off at Shreya's house, minimal interaction
3. If you want to get something done......
--Make the stones myself and film them outside my house in a generic outdoor setting and edit it into the opening
I'll speak with Shreya about this and we'll see if we can conjure up a solution!
Friday, March 20, 2020
Our Canvas Corona Conference
In the midst of all the craziness surrounding us during this time of crisis, Mrs. Stoklosa took the time to communicate some changes to our class through Canvas, which has a conference tool. I learned a lot and the meeting really calmed my nerves because my grade is so dependent on this final project. So, the project due date has been pushed back about a week giving us more time to figure out what to do and how to complete our project without leaving our homes. Thankfully we started filming in Shreya's house, but I'm stuck at home until this all blows over. We covered a lot of project related business and I felt really bad for people who have to essentially start over because of this pandemic. It really meant a lot to have a teacher be so proactive and today many of my other teachers followed suit and contacted me and my classmates about what we should be doing, but I digress. After the conference I had a 2 hour conversation with Shreya about what we should be doing to make our project work. I'm feeling optimistic, wish me luck dear reader!
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Calling COVID-19 on set!
In my previous post I said that we would proceed as planned with our filming since school is out and all of that. However, things have changed as the situation has worsened and what originally seemed to be a temporary move to online schooling could in fact be our new normal as we are moving more and more towards panic. I talked it all over with my parents and they are worried and they want our family to comply with social distancing, for this reason I am unable to go to Shreya's house to complete filming, although I feel we do have a good chunk already done. I had some communication issues with Shreya because she said she texted me but I didn't get her messages, my guess is it has something to do with the wifi since everyone is home and both my parents are doing video conferences which slows down the network. It remains to be seen how this will affect the editing process but I remain optimistic that by that time I will have figured out a better connection and my computer seems fine right now. I tried uploading videos to WeVideo but it was taking a really long time and I'm not sure if that was due to the slow network or WeVideo. Anyways Shreya said she can finish the filming by next week and I created a shared project on WeVideo.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Corona Concerns
Obviously the coronavirus panic is at full force right now and school is not open for the next 2 weeks. We have decided to continue filming during the week in order to remain on schedule for the due date in April. Since my parents will be working from home next week they want me out of the house so I will be able to film at Shreya's house next week. I am unsure if we should actually meet up just for general health reasons but it remains to be seen how affected our community will be. Our schedule is pretty fluid right now due to the coronavirus but we are confident that we will be to able to remain on schedule. =)
Friday, March 13, 2020
More Filming
We did some more filming so I wanted to show you all what else we have so far. Obviously this is all rough footage. Also, in a previous post when I posted some videos one of them showed the changing of color during the scene due to the natural light from the window changing. We asked our teacher about this and she said that during the editing process we can change the color of the scene to match or we can split the scene so that the color change is not as noticeable or so it is not as awkward as it is now.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
The Psychology of Grief
Since our character is coping with grief and loss we decided to do blog posts about what her mental state would be at this time and how she copes with the loss of her best friend. We want the audience to understand and empathize with what she is going through but we also don't want all of our messages to be metaphorical or have to be interpreted. However, at the same time no one outright says what they are feeling at every given moment. Grief and loss are very hard to watch, mostly because the audience cannot help but feel the sorrow and pain of the character. We want the audience to feel they know this character and what she is really feeling despite what she amy say to the other characters in a scene.
When people start spiraling after a loss they do not think rationally and often take drastic measures to reflect what is going on in their head. Loss affects everyone differently, but we want this event to have a profound effect on our character. We want to show the audience how she grows and moves past her emotions. Today, there is still stigma about having mental health issues and we want to combat this by having our character be open with her friends and family about what she is feeling and what she needs from them throughout her grieving process.
When people start spiraling after a loss they do not think rationally and often take drastic measures to reflect what is going on in their head. Loss affects everyone differently, but we want this event to have a profound effect on our character. We want to show the audience how she grows and moves past her emotions. Today, there is still stigma about having mental health issues and we want to combat this by having our character be open with her friends and family about what she is feeling and what she needs from them throughout her grieving process.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Target Audience
After going through the Creative Critical Reflection (CCR) expectations in class, I thought it would be best to make a blog post outlining who we want to reach with our specific message. Every production ever usually has an audience in mind, the piece is made for that specific audience. For example if let's say a college student started watching Doc Mcstuffins on Disney Junior they probably wouldn't like it. Why? Because that content was not made for them. "You" on Netflix was made for them so they will probably like that better.
We want to appeal to a wide range of people preferably ages 13-50 because the teenage demographic is extremely important when it comes to making commercially successful movies. Drama movies usually attract older audiences, but because our main character is a young teenager, it might help skew the age ratio to be a little more young. MPAA or the Motion Picture Association of America collects annual data on who goes to the movies. In 2018, over half, 51% of moviegoers were women, so it helps that our main character is female because that could drive more turnout. Coincidentally our main character is also Indian which is only because Shreya is the lead actress, but this could also drive turnout among the Indian-American community who might want to see how their culture is displayed on screen. Overall, we think by appealing to a younger audience our film will be commercially successful.
We want to appeal to a wide range of people preferably ages 13-50 because the teenage demographic is extremely important when it comes to making commercially successful movies. Drama movies usually attract older audiences, but because our main character is a young teenager, it might help skew the age ratio to be a little more young. MPAA or the Motion Picture Association of America collects annual data on who goes to the movies. In 2018, over half, 51% of moviegoers were women, so it helps that our main character is female because that could drive more turnout. Coincidentally our main character is also Indian which is only because Shreya is the lead actress, but this could also drive turnout among the Indian-American community who might want to see how their culture is displayed on screen. Overall, we think by appealing to a younger audience our film will be commercially successful.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Day 1
Day 1 of of filming is finally here!!!
I made it to Shreya's house eventually after going to the wrong person's house (oops!) and we got to work filming the first half of our opening in one day. We also finally figured out who the dead friend will be. That's right dear reader, yours truly is a fictional deceased character. I don't know if that's bad luck or not but I'll let my superstitious friends tell me later. We decided that I should be the dead character because then it would make it easier for us prop wise when it comes to creating the photo board and the funeral flyer. It just works out better this way. I was a little wary not because of any personal issue but because I was afraid the audience might get the wrong idea about the relationship between the two characters, but Shreya assured me it would be fine and that it would work. We created a flyer for the funeral to be included as a prop although we never actually filmed with it because we didn't get to that part of the storyboard.
We filmed a lot of the same parts of the storyboard at different angles so we have a variety of shots to choose from when it comes to editing. In this post I've included some footage of our first day of filming !
I made it to Shreya's house eventually after going to the wrong person's house (oops!) and we got to work filming the first half of our opening in one day. We also finally figured out who the dead friend will be. That's right dear reader, yours truly is a fictional deceased character. I don't know if that's bad luck or not but I'll let my superstitious friends tell me later. We decided that I should be the dead character because then it would make it easier for us prop wise when it comes to creating the photo board and the funeral flyer. It just works out better this way. I was a little wary not because of any personal issue but because I was afraid the audience might get the wrong idea about the relationship between the two characters, but Shreya assured me it would be fine and that it would work. We created a flyer for the funeral to be included as a prop although we never actually filmed with it because we didn't get to that part of the storyboard.
We filmed a lot of the same parts of the storyboard at different angles so we have a variety of shots to choose from when it comes to editing. In this post I've included some footage of our first day of filming !
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Postponing of Day 1 Filming
Mamma Mia, here we go again
So things did not turn out as planned today as unforeseen transportation issues really threw a wrench into our schedule. Unfortunately I was not able to make it to Shreya's today but even though we were not able to meet in person, I still planned out what I wanted to include in the film opening. I found a bracelet to use as the friendship bracelet. Originally we were going to have our main character throw away the bracelet to show the audience that she is conflicted over whether or not she should move on or try to forget about their relationship. In our group meetings, my group advised me to not throw away the bracelet. They said the audience might get the wrong impression of our main character and they might come away with the message of throwing their friendship away which is not what we want to convey. I explained to them the significance of the bracelet, and while they agreed the bracelet should be included they said instead of having her toss it in the trash bin she should either pick it up and put it down or be wearing the bracelet and take it off before leaving to go to the funeral. I'm really glad we did the group meetings because they really helped me see what I could do better with the project.
So things did not turn out as planned today as unforeseen transportation issues really threw a wrench into our schedule. Unfortunately I was not able to make it to Shreya's today but even though we were not able to meet in person, I still planned out what I wanted to include in the film opening. I found a bracelet to use as the friendship bracelet. Originally we were going to have our main character throw away the bracelet to show the audience that she is conflicted over whether or not she should move on or try to forget about their relationship. In our group meetings, my group advised me to not throw away the bracelet. They said the audience might get the wrong impression of our main character and they might come away with the message of throwing their friendship away which is not what we want to convey. I explained to them the significance of the bracelet, and while they agreed the bracelet should be included they said instead of having her toss it in the trash bin she should either pick it up and put it down or be wearing the bracelet and take it off before leaving to go to the funeral. I'm really glad we did the group meetings because they really helped me see what I could do better with the project.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Childhood Mementos
So something new we wanted to add to the set that we didn't have before was this hand print stepping stone that could be placed outside the main character's door in her front garden area so she gets hit with nostalgia right before leaving for the funeral. We won't have this setup for filming tomorrow but the next time we film we'll probably have this ready to finish up the footage that we need. We wanted to play with lighting in the second half of the opening which again is not something we will reach on Saturday, but we definitely want to for our second day of filming. I will include videos of the raw footage of our first day of filming in an upcoming post so be sure to look out for that! Something else to really play up the nostalgia factor in the beginning is a photo board with pictures of the main character and her recently deceased friend. We will have this part of the set ready for tomorrow, Shreya said she has photos and a bulletin board at her house already so we don't need to get anymore materials for this set design prop. We haven't decided yet who her deceased friend should be. Originally we were thinking our mutual friend, Chelsea, could do it but Shreya didn't want Chelsea to be the one who died so we're playing with stock images to see if that works better but we might end up choosing one of our friends to be the dead friend. This post is a little shorter than normal so below I've included a photo of the handprint stone

Thursday, March 5, 2020
Final Storyboard
So after changing our opening concept completely, we had to redo our storyboard. We want to refrain from making implied messages in the opening because we are afraid the audience won't understand what we're trying to accomplish. Our new concept is much more direct and conveys our message in an explicit way. We have come up with a title 'The Memory of Happiness', but because that is a little corny we will probably change it to something else. Our project is moving along nicely, we are planning to start filming this weekend on saturday which will help jumpstart our project. I am a little nervous because Shreya is going to be the main actress, which we weren't planning on doing until recently, so we'll see how it works out. There's a lot of pressure on her to do well because the opening is essentially just her. She really stepped up and took one for the team by volunteering to act in the opening. Maybe if we're really desperate we'll hold another casting call, but after that last one I'm not sure it's such a good idea. What's even worse is that, according to Shreya, a lot of people showed up after we had already gone inside the auditorium which sucks because it would've been nice to have more options. Anyways, the point of this post is to overall show how we've planned out the opening after having to rework our original idea. Below is our new storyboard, again as I said in a previous post, dear reader don't criticize my drawing skills because I'm proud of these drawings (Van Gogh is still weeping, though).
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Production Progress
On Friday, while in class, Shreya and I devised a more specific plan of how to take on our difficult opening. We decided that certain memories/objects should be used to establish normalcy while our character's behavior will establish the "something is right here" feeling that we are going for. We mostly brainstormed production design elements to include in the opening and we worked on a storyboard of our revised plot outline. Have you ever made a friendship bracelet? Well dear reader you're going to see a time lapse video of me making one in an upcoming post! It was apparent to us that our main character have daily reminders of the friend that she lost. One way we want to do this is have her interact with a friendship bracelet her friend made for her. We want it to be made of the colors that represent friendship (white, yellow, purple). The girl will put on the bracelet, freeze, and then throw the bracelet in the basket as she continues getting ready for the funeral, just as she is leaving, she reaches into the trash bin to retrieve her bracelet to wear to the event. Another element we want to create, is to have the lock screen of the girl's phone be of her and her friend.
We have come up with a title for our opening, "The Memory of Happiness" which really represents what we want our opening to emulate. That feeling of anger of despair over remembering those memories of happiness that can no longer be recalled without renewing the pain along with it. We plan to start filming next weekend as we will both have free time then to really start our filming.
We have come up with a title for our opening, "The Memory of Happiness" which really represents what we want our opening to emulate. That feeling of anger of despair over remembering those memories of happiness that can no longer be recalled without renewing the pain along with it. We plan to start filming next weekend as we will both have free time then to really start our filming.
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