For our cast, we wanted to use good representation. We
have considered a casting call because we want a good actor for our opening,
but depending on how our scheduling works out it might be easier to use one of
Shreya’s friends who is in drama. While a casting call seems like a logical
idea, it takes time to plan and you’d have to pick a location and the school
might not let us hold an afterschool event without certain forms being filled
out. Anyways, our main character is a girl who is at least 16 years old because
she can drive. I need to discuss dates with Shreya but we are tentatively
setting next Sunday as our potential start date for production/filming.
Something we haven’t discussed is mise en scene and how
things like costume design and lighting and color would affect the piece. For
color at least I know that i want the colors to be present but definitely less
saturated in the beginning. But in regards to the other techniques I haven’t
thought about it. I want our main character to be somewhat kiddish, like on the
cusp of maturity but not quite there yet, she is still naive.
These are all topics that I will have more definite answers on in
my next blog post. What I really wanted this post to be about was the
storyboard. I completed the first half of the storyboard and I think it
is representative of what we want to accomplish with this piece. I’ve included
my storyboard below, please don’t make fun of my awful drawing skills. (I know
Van Gogh is probably weeping at this)
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